Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah...*blushes* Too bad I don't have anything of my sister's stuff on here. She's got a kind of anime style all her own, like nothing I've seen before. It's really weird but cool at the same time.

Anyone want to see my realistic pencil drawing of Gerard Way? Even though it's sideways?
Sure! Let us see.
Sure, hit me.

I have a very angular art "style" v.v And I cannot draw anime style -- which is odd, because that's how lots of people learn to draw, from cartoons or whatever.
Oh yeah, MR manga. :3 Must demand mall trip ASAP.
I have a headache and my sister's dumbass dog is killing me. *sigh*
I'm sorry.
Its not your fault , no need to be sorry.
People tell me I have a bad habit of apologizing for things I can't control.
O.o I do that sometimes....
Is it so bad that you've been threatened by multiple people?
Yeah , when I was little , not so much now.
:( That sucks. *gives virtual cookie jar*


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