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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Just a nerdy nitpick, but 1966 isn't old >.> One of my favorite movies, Dr. Zhivago, came out around 1965.

I would consider something like, mmm, Nosferatu or a Thomas Edison film "old".
Yes -- after you posted it was old -- but I wanted to get the year and a plot summary.

*sigh* And that ain't fair, it just ain't :C

Michael Crichton's dead. That's no good. How's Ray Bradbury still alive? v.v
We have to. I'll bring, mm... Last Action Hero.

Ray Bradbury, unless I severely missed out, is very much alive... despite that he was born in the 20s. Michael Crichton was, iirc, decently healthy, and born in the 40s. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn died last year, and he was Bradbury's age... I figure Bradbury's just beating the odds.
Oh God, if we wound up stuck somewhere for hours I'll bring Dr. Zhivago :D

v.v Awwww... I loved that book! And The Martian Chronicles and Something Wicked This Way Comes and of course his weird horrorish short stories... Why'd you hate it?
God yes!

Ouch. I make a practice of reading assigned books before we have to do work for them... well, I try to, anyway XD I still detested whatever that book was last year that was by Zora Neale Hurston.

It's a pretty good straight-up science fiction story. I would try it again.
I made a rookie mistake and read that book before the other two XD

Well, not so much mistake as -- you gotta kill someone to find the other two at my library, so I took my best option.
Read Mirror Mirror. I loved Wicked, but personally liked this one better.
Oh, I hate it when you can't find the book you want. Good luck, I guess. It's worth it, so long as you don't have too big an issue with incest and Pope's who are actually the father (although they're respectively rumoured and known to be historically accurate).
*Hasn't heard of it* It sounds cool though...
Not I.

Then again I haven't heard of a lot of movies, I'm not a movie person.

I honestly prefer my dad's weird Chinese movies, there's this really good Jackie Chan one called, "The Myth" my god it's amazing. I dunno if it has been translated into English. I know "A New Police Story" was, it was much better in Chinese.
Playing Tekken 5.
Tekken is amazing.
=D Tekken! I don't own it, but my friends do. ^^ It's fun...


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