XD we did that in the Theatre (or Drama classroom where we hang ou) we were listening to the soundtrack to DR. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and at the end of "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do" he say, very loud and clear "BALLS!".
My teacher heard it and said, "did someone say a bad word?", we say, "No mr. ____, he said rolls, like the car..." >.>
I was just in the kitchen doing laundry, when I saw movement, like a person walking very close outside the window. So I turned on them, grabbed the closest weapon-like object (which, being in the kitchen, was a steak knife, perfect) and ducked, holding the knife over my head like one would normally do in a situation. (What? You say it's not normal to know how to hold a weapon in particular situations? You've never met my family, then.) I stood back up, still holding the knife at an angle, looked out the window, and then realized that this person that I was about to hold at knifepoint was my own reflection.
So I think that's my cue to get some sleep. Goodnight all.