Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hah. Brilliant.

We're allowed senior pranks. If we clear them with administration.

Senior Ditch Day this year is paying 20 bucks to spend three hours next to a reservoir. Keep in mind, given the weather lately it'll be cold and windy. Also, there is nothing to do there.

Given the kids at my school, junior year through the first half of senior year is one huge freakout, then it falls quiet until late March of senior year. The first period -- applying to colleges / stressing over grades. The second -- receiving acceptance letters.

I am very glad to be going to a community college.
What college? >.>
ACC to get some gen. ed. credits, then switching to CU, most likely for a pre-med degree.
Hmm, it's just assumed that they'll be accepted. They broke a lot of laptops this year.

They don't pay. They just ditch. And fail stuff.

Same thing I've heard. Juniors aren't really freaking out though. They're secluded, but relatively sane. Yours?

*shrug* You're smart, clever, talented.
I don't notice juniors, but there was stress among my friends over "omg am I going to be accepted?" and then "oh god can I pay to go there?". Last year... there were freakouts over getting a B on a minor test, because it might bring down their grade.

It means that everything is very, very low-stress (I don't have to even send in an application for a while yet), which is something I need.
Hmm, no stress would be nice. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Haha, they gave us April break... xD
Snog, Marry, Avoid. I love this show. xD
Feel like crap.

Wearing a hoodie and pajama bottoms while holding a pillow and drinking tea helps, though. ^-^
Saint Fang?

I hold very little regard for 'lol im talk to mai muse' bullshit. Hers didn't make me want to kill babies.

Also she's really awesome with fic/art of her fic :V
Quintuple. For the record.


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