Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Watching Inglourious Basterds, and doing a really fuckin' fast load of laundry.
Now that is a fun movie. Hans Landa is one of my top several favorite villains.
That's something on which we can agree, then.
Wishing that people would stop preaching on TTS.


On the other hand, it's rather amusing.
XDDD Did you record that? It sounds worthy.
I hate those. Probably from all my time spent searching for Dragon Scales in Emerald.

Revive him and kick the guy's ass iswhatithink.
Putting off the last stretch of homework so I can actually get on the internet. >.> Well, I need to find answers online anyway...

:3 And in a good mood. Have two new manga (Bleach vol. 17, Lucky Star vol. 4) to read when I get some free time. Twas feeling pretty sluggish all day until my mom and I went shopping. Well, the mall can perk up a person...
Homework. *gulp* I need to go. Bye everyone.
Good luck. ^^ Late...

:D G'day! *hug* How're you?
Eh. . . well enough, I guess. Good mood-ish but bad day.



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