Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XDDD But it's for your love!

Okay I'm done shipping for now.

You could always think of the fish as someone else or the blue jay. Or both. The blue jay could be Romeo and the fish is Juliet. Now you have Shakespeare. Or Desdemona could be the blue jay and Othello could be the fish.
XD But on FB it has me tagged as Fishy's "lover". >.>
Because it's the truth!

You're her secret lover! Or she's yours... Either way you're with Laura but you realized you loved Fishy and are now cheating with Fishy because you can't let Laura know for complex unknown reasons. Also you're hiding it from us because of your pride and you don't want us to tell Laura. But someone found out. And told everyone.

My god this like is a soap opera.

You can ignore that I suppose. If you really felt like it.
Will someone please write that?


XD So much for being done with shipping it.



-dies again. Xuut, come help me-
He just got offline, too....

*revives Ranting?*

EDIT- Or, uh, look below.

Live! You must ship!

I don't know American teams asides from Miami Dolphins (which is a football team yes?), Yankees, Mets and RedSox.

Canadian however...
I could probably name every team in the NHL, most in MLB, and quite a few NFL. And I never watch sports anymore. >.>


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