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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Today was wonderful, fabulous if you will. I slept in till four, went out with my cousin for her birthday, and got two books.

I've also learned I have some issues, there was a kid at the book store who was looking for the Alex Rider series and said he was part of the FBI or CIA or something, and I wanted to tell him that it was in fact, the M16, like James Bond.

I think I need therapy...
Stopping in really quickly to say hi.

In other news, I might've just gotten bit by a spider, it sure feels like it and I'm all dizzy.

Anywayyy, I'm off for Tracy now, so I'll see you in several hours, or tomorrow, or something like that.

Edit - That football movie with Sandra Bullock is so awesomely cheesy and wonderful. XD Okay, leaving now. See you.
My family life family everything is full of the crazy right now. Just... ffffffffffff

- Therapist, mother, and doctor were all kind of convinced I had an eating disorder.

- My therapist wants to, long story short, put me on antidepressants.

- And if I ever get married, I'm marrying for love, dammit.

- Yeah, they've been linked to that, 'cause they restore your ability to make decisions before they restore your good mood.

- Apparently, my parents did not, and that's where the trouble started.

...also, hot chicks solve everything <3
Sorry, dinner.

...You're awesome <3

And no, my parents probably won't get divorced. (Apparently my grandparents wouldn't let my mom have us kids. WTF)
I don't know why they wouldn't want my mum to have custody, but apparently it would be nearly impossible for her to get us if it all went to court.

I thought, but didn't say, that mothers usually get the kids in custody cases. Well. From what I've heard.
They almost certainly won't -- or if they do, not until my brother and I are out of the house. My mum didn't marry for love so much as she married to give her kids a predictable household... and then it turned out that in a few ways she was fairly locked-out of our upbringing.

Thanks. That... means a lot <3
Yeah :C I hope they don't for my brother's sake -- I'm almost in college and I'll be eighteen pretty soon. But he's only thirteen.

*hugs Nathan*
Because you're thin? Suggest that you're endomorphic. Your parents won't understand what this means, but your doctors (the medical ones at least) might.

No, "endomorphic" is not a play on my username. It means that your body and metabolism are geared to make you naturally fairly skinny. I'm that way, my parents were worried about my eating too until on one occasion I ate an entire pizza pie and had nothing to show for it physically afterword.

For more on these, look up somatotypes. It's an aspect of human biology I wish more people knew about.

Regarding the antidepressants, I suppose that I can see why the therapist thinks that way, but unless it's something you're harming yourself or others over, it probably isn't worth it. Most girls your age, in my observation, swing back and forth between giggly and depressed, the latter being the more common of the two.
I can't say I know a whole lot about the anti depressant thing, but I know a shitload about metabolisms. Mine is painfully slow, so I have to be on the verge of malnutrition to maintain a healthy weight. Some people have fast metabolisms, where their body burns through calories so fast that they have to eat more than average. And many teenagers with fast metabolisms don't have the ability to gain weight. It's not uncommon to be very skinny, as long as you keep yourself healthy and well nourished.
Re. weight: Nah, pretty much 'cause I've lost like nine pounds in the last year, and I was already a skinny fucker.

Re. antidepressants: She was suggesting meds based on three things suggesting it'd be helpful to treat me with chemicals -- insomnia (I don't sleep a lot anymore, and my mum picked up on that), thoughts of suicide, and weight loss.


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