Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Mhm. *nods* It snapped me out of my depression. I mean, I was still depressed, but I knew that killing myself was not going to fix anything.
Killing yourself would be an awful idea. I'm glad you got through that.
I never really tried... I thought about it once.
Ok, maybe my reply made you guys worry more than was really necessary. I was never going to kill myself, I just thought about it once. XD It's all good.
:< That's... wow.

We had a suicide last year, but none this year.
Working on script and heeeeey why is there part of a chapter of RC on my phone.
I feel like throwing up. :x

When I slept and woke up my hair didn't mess up... at all.

I was asleep for over six hours.
Maybe it came completely undone and remadeup itself in your sleep.

JK, it was magic. For defs. :D
:O That'd be so awesome.

I think Hermione Granger was here. That'd probably why, she didn't want me to suffer OMG IT'S EVERYWHERE hair.
Music homework. ._. I haven't had music in two years...and I forgot that the class even had homework.

Well, this homework is fairly easy. :D And requires the internet. Basically, a valid excuse to get on the internet for an extended period of time.


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