So I was re-re-re-reading a favorite book series of mine, and I came across a part where some biologists (or something) put some beavers in a stream to see what would happen. Wouldn't a scientist know that introducing a new species to a foreign environment is, like, A BAD IDEA?
And yet they do it all the time in real life. eg, rabbits and cane toads in Australia. And then just recently they were thinking of introducing flesh-eating ants to help deal with the cane toads.... I, for one, am incredibly glad they don't seem to have implemented that.
I pretty much resolved it (by double-checking myself a metric shitload against other sources). And honestly, who's going to nitpick a gay fanfic for an issue this small? I still like to be correct, though.
My dad just asked me (through the phone) if I'd like a bag... He hasn't asked if I wanted anything specifically since I was eight (birthdays aside, and that's cheating because he didn't even know what I wanted). Along with the iphone I'm starting to get suspicious of these gifts...
Since when did he favor me over my other siblings?