Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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So I was re-re-re-reading a favorite book series of mine, and I came across a part where some biologists (or something) put some beavers in a stream to see what would happen. Wouldn't a scientist know that introducing a new species to a foreign environment is, like, A BAD IDEA?

Plot hoooooooles.....

Ahh, well. It's still an awesome series.
FYI, you got post 46000.
And yet they do it all the time in real life. eg, rabbits and cane toads in Australia. And then just recently they were thinking of introducing flesh-eating ants to help deal with the cane toads.... I, for one, am incredibly glad they don't seem to have implemented that.
Making up medical treatment as I go.

I really wish I could run this by someone >.> As it is I'm trusting in Google to keep me on the "not killing the patient" route.
I know some really basic stuff--if it's surgery then it's probably beyond me though. Let's hear it anyway.
I pretty much resolved it (by double-checking myself a metric shitload against other sources). And honestly, who's going to nitpick a gay fanfic for an issue this small? I still like to be correct, though.
Downloading a free indie music sampler from iTunes, apparently. Hm. Hope the songs are good.

And I'm off to bed. 'Night.
Making lasagne.

....eating the cheese sauce....


I'm starting to get freaked out.

My dad just asked me (through the phone) if I'd like a bag... He hasn't asked if I wanted anything specifically since I was eight (birthdays aside, and that's cheating because he didn't even know what I wanted). Along with the iphone I'm starting to get suspicious of these gifts...

Since when did he favor me over my other siblings?
Hey, now.

Don't look a gift trojan horse in the mouth.


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