Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Okay... *waits impatiently*

*would so drive up and visit Kayte if I could drive*
*lives close enough to do that*
*knows exactly how to get to her school from here*

...and that's not stalkerish at all.... I just happen to have been there, before I knew that Kayte attended there.

*isn't that stalkerish*
*has just been there/in that area enough times*
Joining this site! :D

Though I should be doing English homework..
Staring wide-eyed at the computer screen with absolutely nothing to do.
I'm having writer's block *massages temples*
That would be because that's what it's called, yo.

German ftw >.>
Chatting with my friend. Apparently she burned my cookie, started chewing on my hair, I poisoned her and ate her ramen, she came back, and as a ghost I blew her up. ^^' We're totally sane...
My brother just had a huge spazz out, it was funny. He started aruging for the smallest things and accused me once again for being a "lazy fat fuck bitch who doesn't do jack shit around the house." A fact which I find ironic seeing as I do more chores than him.

I've also come to the realization that out of her of her five children I'm pretty sure my mother likes me the least.
Enjoying the sunshine. *sighs happily* Aren't Friday's amazing?
Being bored....
I have a dance tonight. Fun, fun, fun...


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