Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Starting a riot on MDW and becoming an anti. I'm fed up with that site.
But you were the sane fan leader, or at least one of them.
What do you mean 'becoming an anti'? Your opinion of the books is changing, now, because of the newbs and n00bs that run in circles on MX?
Well, partly because I've been thinking more about the books themselves. I don't like where they're going and Max is getting on my nerves. Also because the people running the site are idiots.
Is slowly dying from reading Squight's posts.
I can't believe no one knows the history of the fandom, anymore, all those who lived it are gone, and how terribly few have heard of the Mafia/PMS.
Sad doesn't even cover it. This is more depressing than getting banned, I think. . . .this is . . . . .
If people were willing to give me source information and any dates or events that they can remember, I would gladly compile a history some weekend.
(I've only been around since June-July, so I don't have the whole picture)
>.> *looks around dodgily* I remember a good bit of fandom history myself... the problem is not being able to tell off newfen about it. Damn forced lurking.
Then e-mail it. I did give you my address, right?

Heck, even a history of just the antis would be fun.
I'll try and throw something together, then. >.> *doesn't often get to do this*
It looked like Squight is giving her version of the history of the site/fandom.

I feel rather new comparatively, as I was only on the old site for 4-5 months or so before it crashed. That was enough to change me, I think, but for a history of the site, I'd ask an older member.
Thinking this is quite sad, considered I'm one of the last on MX who even know a partial history.
You gotta keep it alive, Kayte!
Otherwise..... *goes to c/p my idea from chat*

[10:37] Meg: Do you think the site will die, or will they get a new set of people, who will in a year or two write their own history and claim to be the "oldies" and have all the real oldies forgotten about?

^ If that happens. I'm not an oldie, not even close, but those of you who are..... need to keep it alive. I, at least, have heard the brilliant history, even if I wasn't a part of it. The newbs will take over, re-write what really happened, everything forgotten...
*nods* I will until I can no longer. Perhaps a true oldy needs to write the history for me. I'll post it to MX and update it continuously...


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