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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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And good day turns to shit as I learn that we just got an eviction letter from the landlord if we don't pay. 

Well, shit. 

BRB, going to make Ads on Kijiji for tutoring, babysitting, and yard work because my financial position sucks. 

You're right, I did miss it, EndOf. I don't see the point in using a word that's inherently biased towards humans to describe something that isn't. "Perfect," and, "Moral," mean things like, "Stuff humans like," in my opinion, although the former has the exception of when something goes along a set path, uh, without flaw. Since God is flawless, everything he does is perfect, which makes it difficult to argue about.


So I guess I'm just not getting what you said. In my eyes it seems  bit simplistic, which I guess should have been the first hint that I don't understand it. God is a machine that does things based on what he is programmed to do, and all that stuff is perfect in regards to that program. Makes sense. I just don't see what it proves, or what the point is in thinking about it. Enlighten me? I see a need to get beyond the belief that, "God is God." Proving tautological theorems is cool and all, but when it's as obvious as, "If X, then X," my interest is lost pretty quickly.

Wrote a roleplay for trolling MDW. It has dog-latin based puns to describe the magic system. A lot of them.



I want to sing something for the school talent show. I have no ideas.

Actually, I kind of want to rap or something, but I can't find a school appropriate song and it's too late to write anything. ><'

If I can't find anything today I'll probably end up singing old Kelly Clarkson or something. :/

I'm singing Scar by Missy Higgins for mine. I would suggest looking at some of her stuff. Fairly school appropriate, very catchy, and you can find instrumentals for most of them online.

Ah, sorry. Missed the part about wanting to rap. I'm sorry, but I can't help with that. Rap's not exactly my cup o' tea.

Some of the people who write scores for tv do some absolutely amazing stuff.

Murray Gold, for example, and I've just discovered Trevor Morris.

I have a new video on Youtube. Not my best work, but eh. It's a pretty catchy song.

Listening to the Bankstown tower feed.

Most of the pilots are female. That's awesome. Just awesomesauce.

Now the tower controller too.

i have a lot of rage right now for no real reason (i mean there's a reason but it's stupid) and so i just needed somewhere to put it and the easiest way for me to do that without screaming or punching something is to type really loudly and intensely for no goddamn reason and then post an angry gif so please forgive me for this otherwise useless post and also for my being strange because i realize this kind of tramples upon any sanity i might appear to have

Go insult Governor Brownback's facebook page. It's amusing at least.


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