Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Of course.

Try to make your dreams come true! . . . especially this one.

Edit - As will I.
8D woo!
Good luck?
The... what...?

edit: Never mind, found it. If anyone's still lurking... plz to submit me for addition?
Hey, people!

Fish, the newb on MX, is NOT me.... >.> *doesn't want anyone thinking it's me*

Sorry, miss fish, if you're lurking here, but you annoy the crap out of me. Not only that, but you stole my name and people are going to think that that's my alter or something.
*was watching her argue on the superpowers thread* X_X

*doesn't think you'd be able to fail like that in a debate*
Nah, I can't fail like that.... When I try to fail, I go way over the top. Once again, the ever-unachievable middle ground. >.>
XD Nice.
Where the hell is the vodka? Got a paper cut or something on my finger, have since been working in v. dirty under-desk area.

edit: Finished cleaning. Now to slam a lid on the box o' death (aka shit from my desk/couch/floor), find foods, and THEN finally type up some RC. Jesus fuckin Christ.
Getting banned from MX apparently. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!

Dear Kayte,

Thank you for participating in the Max-Dan-Wiz community. However,
your account has reached the maximum violations allowed and is now
banned permanently. Any account created to avoid this ban will also
be banned.
You have been banned for solicitation, continued disruption after
warnings and negative comments about the site and owner.

Copy of last violation:
Hey, hon I support what you're doing. But I'll tell you straight out,
I wrote something like this a while back and it got shot down.
Hachette doesn't want to make us want to be here, they don't want
anyone to be here. They're succeeding in single handedly flushing
their site down the toilet, because their users aren't going to take
it forever.
Eventually they'll have a handful of newbs and dead accounts, because
honestly they think that we'll just listen, and for a while we would.
Not anymore. It's not worth our time to be members here, if they spend
all of their time shooting us down. It's basically indirect
cyber-bullying, and it's not okay.
Thankfully we have another route, Z's site,

Thank you,

MDW Moderation Team

I see nothing illegal here. But apparently 3 warnings is the new ban.
Oh God Kayte.

*hug forever*


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