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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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So now half of my head is shaved and the rest of my hair is magenta colored. I'll be putting black streaks in it later. :D

BWAHAHA My best friend is banned from seeing me.


I/we didn't do anything. She's taking a summer class (that I'm completely not involved in) that hasn't started yet. Her parents have already decided she's probably going to fail. Additionally, she asked for a later curfew (11 instead of 10) because hers is the earliest of our friends'... somehow both these things translated to "ALANA IS A BAD INFLUENCE YOU CANNOT SEE HER ANYMORE."


The logic is so twisted that only white people could have come up with it (loljk don't kill me).


I'm so stoked. It's like a life's mission that I didn't know I had has been completed. I'm the "bad influence" friend! I'm so excited! This would disturb me if I weren't so damn sure that I'm a pretty good friend to have. I have never convinced her to do drugs, smoke, cut classes yada yada yada.


BEST DAY EVER. She's excited because she gets to sneak around like the bad kids we know we're not. :D

I'm the bad influence older sibling ._.

LOL. My friend's parents liked me hanging out with them 'cause I'm Asian and therefore I am a good influence. Sadly, I was the one who always agreed to skipping class and doing stupid/weird things. Luckily for me, my two besties' parents are super chill so they're okay with everything we do. 


And now I'm somehow the bad good kid. How this works I'll never know. 

HAHAHAA.... That sounds like my friend's mom with me. I mean, just because I wear black doesn't mean I'm a "gothic, evil, satanist" person like she thinks I am... And then that stupid thing with my ex stalking her was probably another factor of that, but it's not like it was my fault... >.>


And this has gone on since sixth grade. Her dad's a preacher and her mom's worse. >.>

I was The Dictator as a child. I'd get other kids, including my brother, to steal biscuits for me. I'd get to eat them, and not get in trouble.


As for the bestie's parents - you know sneaking around's only going to confirm their opinion of you, right? Mind you, it sounds illogical enough that reasoning with them's not going to work.

Found two pages of MR fanfic hidden in last years folder. WTF - I don't remember writing these? It's like reading someone else's, all new and shiny.


Oooh, and one of them's an Angels sequel.

XD  I recently found handwritten copies of fanfic from '07ish.  Pre-SWATOES.  Made me laugh a bit.

I think if I look around I have the handwritten originals of some fanfic from 2006. Sweet jesus, so bad.


I realized I had a logical inconsistency but didn't want to go back, so what did I do? Ghosts!

Blast it, I had wanted to go to Toronto to partake in the Leafs/Marlies tryout drills, because beggars can't be choosers.

I'm also trying to make a list of games I want that are coming out later this years, so far: Dead Island, Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls V, and The Lord of the Rings: War of the North (maybe).

I have come across a problem. 

I'm starting an art project about my childhood and Harry Potter, because without the series my childhood would have sucked. 

The problem is, with the suckiness of my childhood as it was, my mother never had much access to cameras around the time that I had gotten the first books. We were kind of locked in a trailer in the middle of the woods for that year and a half or so. I'd only gotten it because of my grandma, who we met at Waffle House maybe once a month if I was lucky.

This means I have no idea what I looked like when I was supposed to be in second grade - the year I got that book.

I guess I'll try to get in between the one picture I have from first grade and the one I have from third, both of which feature me grinning like an idiot even though that's definitely not what I want in my art piece. >.<' photos? Usually if you ask around, someone has a year book from that year or that one 'class photo' they always made us take.


Also, when I went into high school, they gave the hard copy of my school file. It had a copy of one picture from every school year, so maybe that?


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