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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Ha. I have two accounts in there. One's named Contradiction and the other's some random Twilight-related character name.

That site is rather pitiful, actually.

Not really surprising, since all the cool people are long gone. >.>

O Rally? :O

Do you still have a link?

Or something?

:P And I don't even put effort into trolling on that site anymore.





>.> I feel bad because I missed your reply, and also how much later both of my replies are.

How are you doing? Still battling the education system?

YES.  x.x

It seems like it's been forever.  We've only been in school six days.. . . and then on strike for eight? nine?  'Tis horrid.


I'm well, and you?

*Is slightly quicker this time*


Lol, sounds like the University next to my school, not even a month in and they're striking.

>.> Honking their air horns at six in the morning. I think I'd rather have lousy benefits than stand around making noise all day.


I'm sick, and tired and kind of nervous. >.> But otherwise fine.

Math class makes me want to jump off a cliff. Not because I don't understand it, but because the people in it make me want to kill myself. 


Today we got a seating arrangement due to "poor grades" and I was put in my own little seat... Even though I have the third highest mark in the class. (Which to understand the amount of fail my class is, I'm only an 88, so yeah. We're retarded.) My teacher then boldly announced that everyone forced to sit by themselves is below 70. So now I feel like the class idiot. 


This kind of pisses me off since I DO the homework, since I DO WELL on the quizzes, and since I actually pay attention in class. Oh, and I'm seated by that one kid who never shuts up and talks a mile a minute. Sadly, I am with this teacher until the end of High School. 


The desire to switch to AP right across the hall with a bunch of my friends has increased about 50%. 


*offers tea*  Good luck.

They don't offer IB at my school. I've heard some not-so-great things about it, though...
I don't have IB either. Or AP, actually...

Slanderous lies. I've gone to a school that only offers AP (which failed to educate me about both enrichment programs) and this school that offers both. 


-Gets into IB preaching mode-


IB basically teaches you not to fuck around before deadlines. Deadlines are deadlines and if you fuck around before deadlines and then do your project late at night then you will be really screwed. When your IA is due in March, it's due in March bro. Don't fuck around when you've had six months. Also, choose your Standard and Higher levels wisely. Use Standards for your weaker subjects (typically for IB kids, Math and Sciences) because they are easier to do with less work and Highers for your easy classes (generally, the Arts, second languages, Social Studies, and Language Arts). My school doesn't let me choose my HS and SL buuut all my HL are the easy ones for me, Language Arts and Social Studies. 

And rumors about needing six bazillion hours of community service is a lie. We have CAS which is Creativity, Action, and Service. Basically, it's a part of IB that will help you make yourself more diverse. You're not JUST the Science kid or the non-athletic nerd who never sees the light of day. You become more enriched in things like athletics (action), the arts (creativity, so like Yearbook, writing, all those things) and service (community service basically). DO NOT COUNT HOURS FOR THIS. A certain amount of hours are required (about 4 per week) but usually you'll have no trouble fitting this in, what's important is the reflection piece your write to get sent it. 

Seriously though, everyone bashes IB and bitches about how much work it is here and how hard it is, but really IB is about the same amount as AP. Only full IB students have more work and usually the benefits of IB over weigh the desire to kill yourself from your workload which IF YOU DO NOT BE A LAZY SHIT AND PROCRASTINATE  it's not going to kill you. At all. 

Oh but if you do IB and like spares/frees (that one period/block where you don't have a class), just to let you know, you probably will only have one or two, forever.  


tl;dr IB is letting you know that university doesn't give a shit if your dog died last night and you got into a car accident while driving to the vet. Shit happens and in the REAL WORLD you're gonna have to hand in that assignment the next morning. Also, due to the astounding amount of rumors and lies about IB, you sounds like fucking god if you get a full diploma.  

Holy shit. xD


The person who I remember complaining about it said that it wasn't rewarding for all the work.


Meh. I don't have a choice anyway. So AP it is.


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