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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Did my nails really awesome. 

Get ruined in about ten seconds.


I will fix this tomorrow morning.  -Perfectionist-
Terra Nova seems entertaining enough. I'll follow it for now, but it seems to be tilting towards genre stereotypes...

Today was such a fucking good day I can't believe it.


I mean, not even a good day in the sense that something particularly outstandingly wonderful happened. It was just fantastic and perfect and I'm happy.


I have a shit ton of homework, but I'm still really fucking pleased.

My day was meh. Glee was awesome yesterday, though, and I had a dream last night that I was in chorus and Rachel's mom was my director. I sang a solo. XD


More importantly, I have finished three college applications and I'm halfway through with that book I have to finish by Friday (it's The Children of Men, which is very interesting...). I'm also actually going to try out for All-State Chorus. :D 

All-State Chorus is AMAZING. At least, North of you it is. It's more laid back than Honors Chorus, but it's still a lot of fun. And everyone is just as talented as with Honors. And you get the really cool local directors, and super neat songs. Plus, most of the songs tend to be in English!

:D Is it wrong that I'm trying out even though it's my first year in Chorus? XD

I'm a senior though, so I won't get another chance... :/

No, but you definitely need to work with your director on your sight reading. If your state has designated audtions. Ours doesn't, but our director swears by sight singing abilities. And please, don't sing through your nose. Some people have amazing voices and kill them with a nasal sound. Those are the most important parts, other than knowing the piece. Many people get through on just that. xD There are other things, of course, but those two are vital.


And yeah, if it's your last chance, what's the harm?

Right. I can sing the notes on sightreading, but it's just the solfedge stuff I'm slow at... I'm working on it, though.

You don't have to do Solfege, necessarily... We use One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Sev, One. You can sing using just about anything you want. All they really care about is if the notes and rhythms are correct.
I know, but I want to figure it out... XD

I understand that you're all failing the class and freaking out about our tests and such, but I need you people to understand UNLESS I HAVE FUCKING TIME TO DO MY WORK, I WILL FAIL TOO. 


And when I spend over 6+ hours in a five day week where I only have around 4 hours of spare time per day, that does not equate to a lot of time where I can do my own work. 

I haven't even had time to do Debate research. Fuck. 


Anything important in the new guys?


Edit: Also, I got my Jonathan Jones t-shirt, so technically I'm in a good mood. but I still feel like stabbing something. Fucking IB. 

As it turns out, I have a test for AP Gov on Friday instead of two Mondays from this week. My teacher changed his mind today. Or yesterday. Or something. And he's telling us not to stress at all, and to trust him, but it's hard. 


So I have a trig test and a sociology quiz tomorrow, and a gov and a Spanish test on Friday. I'm also supposed to be analyzing "A Modest Proposal" but I am so done with Jonathan Swift I can't process it at all. It doesn't help that a lot of his satire is based on historical context, with which I'm completely unfamiliar. *sigh*


Oh, and there's a meeting for potential NHS applicants tomorrow morning that I've been coerced into attending. 


I think I'm just going to give up as is for tonight and go read the book about the gay teen superhero.


Ah, life.


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