Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Mainly because mad scientist is adorable :3

XD Yeah... RC is so much fun...

Especially this chapter. Science and logic both get thrown firmly out the window for the sake of some good fluff/angst XD
Was totally supposed to be a guy, but he wound up a little feminine... oh well.

And I made my one friend squee when I told her what happens this chapter. *tease*
Agreed o.o *swoon*

Also he has no lips 'cause I can't draw 'em and I'm gonna paint it anyway XD

I have all the pacing talent of a chilled jar of molasses.
Coughing. Blood. God fucking dammit.

Get thee to a hospital. Like, for serious.
I agree. Get it looked at please. . . .your classmates were just hospitalized. . .you should be careful.

You alright? Or more, going to live?

Did you get bronchitis, do you think?
Hey, hey, hey, both of you, calm down. I'm fine. Just a little bit of blood. Nothing to worry about. And maybe, I've had bronchitis more times than I'd like to think about, and this seems like it.

Nathan - No, no, no hospital. I'm okay. Promise.

0_0 Seriously, at least /phone/ a doctor and ask him/her if you should get it checked out.
*narrows eyes*

You better at least get treatment, man >:\

*raging hypocrite* v.v Yes. If I were coughing blood I would not seek treatment until I fucking collapsed. I am, however, a masochist.

Holy shit!
All of you - I'm fine. I promise. This has happened before, I get bronchitis and other things loads, it's no big deal. I don't need to go to a doctor. I've coughed up blood before and not gone to a doctor, and I was fine. It's just a little bit of blood. I promise you, if I think it's necessary, I will go seek treatment.


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