Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Science classes for AP - Chem. We just lost out AP Physics teacher. >.>
Which screws many of us over.
I feel so young compared to you guys.
*giggle* I'm sixteen. Fandom is the only place, legit, where I feel old.
I'm only 12 *pouts*. It sucks being young.
How old, Throne? I'm 14... and I oddly feel young sometimes....
Nope. I'm 12.
Wouldn't have guessed it.

v.v I've been in MR fandom for all my teenage years.
Well, some of us are dead on. *is a freshman* And I know Ranting's a freshman, and Lamp's a sophomore, so that's close.

*wants to read*
Ni is way younger, I know that much.
*got caught in fic, lol*

Yep, Imma senior :D
That was fairly good.
Trying to kick RC into shape >.> ffffffffffffffffff


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