Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Both of you, YT isn't working again. I can search things, but I can't watch videos.... *dies*
XD Nice.
Wait wut? I'm listening to "Sugar We're Going Down" on YouTube literally as I type this.
It's not working for me.....
Try another browser. It's working for me, Fishy.
It's not working in Firefox, Chrome or IE. *headdesks* *spazzes*
Delete cookies?
*is too impatient to just delete YT cookies*
*deletes them all*

This'll be fun. 1124 cookies later.....
XD Nice.

Hey, how do you only delete specific cookies, using Chrome?
Not a clue. I just did that in Firefox.... *goes to investigate*

But, in other news.... YouTube still isn't working.

Maybe it just doesn't like you.

On another note, you reminded me to check several youtube channels.
It's not working. At all. Dammit.


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