Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Meh, when it's your only choice. . . I don't consider it 'stupid'.
Lamp... can I ask why you're cooking naked? XD Do laundry.

Or using YouTube on my computer, in which case you can't see anything....
I don't watch videos on YouTube so much as I listen to songs there...
Same, but the whole damned site isn't working for me....
Seriously? Liking a pairing is banworthy?

What. The Fudge?
If a new guy shows up and likes Jeb/ter Borcht ZOMG THEIR TEH NATHEN BAN THEEEEEEEEEEEEM.
Sitting on my goddamn hands.

Being unable to speak my mind is the worst kind of cocktease :|

Yes, I write fanfic, but goddammit being mocked is the best thing in the world, because it means someone cares enough to find things to hate.

In addition to which free speech does not work that way >/s>
v.v *obvious ranter is obvious* Yes.

I'm not really on the level right now though, so cough ahem you are partially right in some ways, I'm just a stubborn fuckwit.
I've gotten good at saying nothing again because of the mods, admittedly. (I was a quiet fucker as a kid, learned to be loud and proud on early MX, and then shut up again.)

So, um, it's no big, I don't want to argue, etc.
Just posted the following to Genn:

Look, I don't want to get into a fight with anyone. My daughter started a wonderful group and I commend End of the Earth for keeping it going.

I want to know why the fan fiction that she posted was deleted? Do you know how many readers she had? Where is all of her work? I am a teacher. My daughter wants to be an author one day. I will be writing to James Patterson himself, because losing all of her writing is a travesty to me.

Nighthawk did NOT get a warning. She only got emotional about her friends getting banned. Do you expect teenagers to have that much control over their emotions, when they feel that they have finally found a place where they are understood? It was not personal, her calling mods Nazis, she just did not understand. Had reasons, not personal information, but reasons that we all can see, been posted for each removal, then more would be understanding. The posts were visible, and the reasons could be easily shared along with quotes from the posts, that certainly would not violate any confidentiality. The things that you post make no sense to thinking individuals.

There were antis and squees who loved Nighthawk. Have you read the books? If not, why are you here? I don't understand you at all. And I have a Masters Degree in Education, honey.


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