Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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If this were on MX, it would now be the 3rd most popular thread, after "What would make fang Cry" and of course, Indigo's uber-thread.
Should be sleeping, want to be sleeping, but the PG&E people outside keep waking me up...
Back from school, eating ice cream and faking being so tired that I need to sleep for six hours.

They didn't happen to ban Ni for marrying a canary again did they?

I never got an e-mail informing of my wrong deed the first time, I had to e-mail them.
I never got an email. I emailed them, still never got an email. AND, they said that we shouldn't trust our friends. The only information I've gotten on my ban is through my friends. So, really, this could be a load of bullshit and I could've been banned for.... like, spamming or swearing or something.
I got perma'd for being "disruptive" pretty much. A perfectly clean slate. -Sigh-

And it's not just MX, apparently on TTS it's not so great either. There's an anti love thread which dates way back to like, January, and it's lost 1000 pages worth of posts from Antis getting banned. A fight apparently.

I get that sinking feeling I'm going to get banned there too. :|

Anyways, how are you doing today?
I want to be able to post there, but I'm afraid I'd get my account banned simply for existing.

Eh, I stayed home again today, so not too well. You?
I don't think they can do that... It's got more n00bs truth be told. -Prefers MR fandom- I was tempted to make so many references to MR stuff. >.>

Not so well. It's that special bitchy time of the month if you get my drift. Lack of sleep is making me freakishly peppy and I should be doing my homework and projects but I'm too lazy. Actually there's a lot of things I should be doing but am not.
"I don't think they can do that..."

Yeah, there's a lot of things they "can't" do. Has that EVER stopped them before?

Yeah, I'm lazy too, I just fail.... I'm procrastinating on reading the Sparknotes for the book I was supposed to read...
Well no...Good point. Cyber bullies are the worse. >.> Not to mention adult cyber bullies.

-Surprisingly isn't failing- We get mid-terms thi Friday so we'll see whether or not I truly fail.

Hmm I think I'm going to nap, exhausting is starting to wear me down. I'll be back in an hour.
I don't even know how I'm doing now, so.... we'll see.

Night, I think I'll do the same, I'll be on... sometime.
I was never warned. They just banned me out of nowhere for "trying to incite a riot."
Internets stalkering. Like usual


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