Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Okay, buh-bye for now.
*offers tea and a pillow*

Don't headdesk yourself to death. >.<'

*has been stealing pillows*

*jumps in mountain of pillows like one does a pile of leaves*

Pillow Fight?
*throws pillows at Fate*

*throws pillows in random directions as well trying to hit others on this thread*
*dodges pillow like a ninja*
*throws more pillows at Fate*
*is hit by a random pillow*
*throws it at Fate*

*pelts Fishy and Fate with pillows*
*throws pillows at Lamp and Fate*
*has bad aim*
*misses terribly*
My father steals pillows from Hotels, there's this Days Inn which is supposed to be haunted that has tons of pillows.
*throws a pillow at Xuut*

*doesn't really steal pillows* *decided to make this clear*
I know someone who took a pillow from. . some hotel, too. xD


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