Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*bol* I definitely agree.
Watching well, listening to Dancing With the Stars while on here, and just saw the trailer for New Moon.

*thought it would be... relevant-ish? to post this, but isn't quite sure what to say about it... except that Taylor looks pretty hot...*

OMG Aaron Carter just like walked into a pole... and he makes the weirdest faces while he's dancing... XD
Aaron Carter. . . . *feels like I should know that name*
He's like the Jesse McCartney of the late 90s/early 2000s.

*isn't good with names
His big brother was in the Backstreet Boys and I had two of his CDs in 4th grade...
I loved him when I was like seven. Also, the Backstreet Boys! 'Cause NSync sucked and everyone knew it. Oh, the boybands of our childhood....
There aren't many boy bands anymore. Has anyone else noticed that? Unless you count the Jonas Brothers... *gags*
*shudder* *gag*

Though they're better than Miley.
UGH! Anyone is better than her. She did a freaking POLE DANCE on television! How the heck did she become a role model?!
XD Yeah, like I said. 4th grade. And then there was Jesse McCartney, but only when "Beautiful Soul" was all over the radio and he played Jojo in "Horton Hears a Who." Even though he only had, like, 3 lines. I loved that character. XD
*didn't listen to the backstreet boys, back then* I thought they were absolutely horrid. It was only a few years ago when I started getting a good laugh out of their music.


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