Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Downloading "Bye Bye Bye" right the fuck now. iTunes for some reason wants 1.29$ for that. No way.

Damn, you're younger than I thought o.O
Really? Yeah, I'm 14...
Now I feel all old.

Oh. Here's another blast from the past.

Remember this one?
Ah! I have that song on my ipod!
I used to love that song. xD
Nah, everyone's closer in age to you than me, I think, I'm one of the youngest.

Ahh! Bad memories, bad memories, bad memories..... Waldorf, the private school dances, like to play this song in middle school dances, at least once a night. And... yeah, bad timing. That, and my old basketball coach played it over and over again during conditioning for no apparent reason....
I remember that. We were talking about that the other day, actually. And Aqua. God, we were sorta obsessed with them for a while.

Don't feel old Nathan, you're still younger than me...
I used to. Need it again *sigh*

And "Story of a Girl", though fucked if I can remember whose version I heard way back when... Oh and goddamn Bowling for Soup, fuck yeah.
*still loves "Story of a Girl," now*

Oh, and Bowling for Soup.... "1985", anyone?
Bowling for Soup! For a second I was like who the fuck are they. Now I'm listening to 1985. I haven't heard this in ages.
If "1985" comes on shuffle, I have to sing it. It is law.

Anyone else know this song?
XD *same*

Oh god yes, I do remember that...


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