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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Fears, Phobias, or whatever else you want to call them?

So I know we've had loads of discussions like this on MX, but my friend just asked me what I'm afraid of, so it got me thinking. List any fears you might have here, let's see if we get anything interesting. Here's mine:

1) Humanity as a whole.
2) Things that aren't properly organized, stacked, lined up, etc.
3) The fear that somebody I care about will hate me.
4) The sound that you hear when a fork scrapes against porcelain.
4a) Fingernails on a chalkboard.
4b) Fingernails on the side of a car.
5) Envelopes.
6) General anesthesia.

You have any interesting (or maybe normal?) ones? This thread does better on a place like MX where you have a bunch of randoms, but since, you know, I'm eternally banished from that accursed place... 'kay, I'll shut up now. Just reply and make me feel like less of a loser.

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Nope 12. And yes I know the whole love of my life thing is like Wow shes only 12? Wtf?, But I have been dating him since kindergarten, he loves me and I love him. The whole juvie thing I don't really want to talk about. The almost getting kicked out of my house goes with the whole juvie thing.
o.o Its hard.

Falling in love is just a fucked up subject that mingles in with life itself. No help in life, unless your a selfish hipocrate with a credit card. Life itself kills the soul, the mind, the body. Love is a form of a passionate torture made to take us away from real life. Life, is as I see it, is a way to kill you by yourself rightious doing.- From a very personal friend of mine.....
It is a face.

Hmm....*snorts* Me? Potential? To be a wannabe....

I do not know.

Yes , lots, but can't.
Okay. I'll PC you and I'll tell you some stuff about me that will explain a lot of the weird shit I do.
You know when you go on chat? Do that and hopefully there will be a long little block that says Throne_Spaz. Click that. If not like that. Go on chat and click on my pick off to the side, under the members thing. It will say , visit proflie , private chat and one other. Click private chat.
(CLA! XD Fun times...)

We share a name! :O

'Cept mine's shpelled differently... >.>
1. Moths
2. Clowns
3. The dark
4. Small enclosed and/ dark places
5. Large numbers of people
6. 5 all crammed in a small space
7. Spiders
8. The sound of a fork against a plate (makes me shudder and cover my ears)
9. Being sick (physically throwing up)
10. Strangers
11. Drowning
12. Suffocation
13. Dying alone/ unable to call for help
14. Superstition related things... (being edgy or thinking things are gunna go wrong after seeing a dead animal or a number i dont like)
15. Because of all the above, sometimes i fear my own thoughts and mind processes and stuff...

...umm...I think there's more than that, but i forget until i actually encounter them...
Aliens is embarrassing? I put down envelopes. v.v
And no, I'm not afraid of holding an envelope, I won't freak out if there's one in my hand. I just dislike opening and closing them.
XD That's probably true, but there are some people who would love to tell you all about how they were abducted by aliens. You can usually find them in certain parts of Alabama. And no, I don't have anything against.... Alabamians? It's stereotype. Ask me about California stereotypes sometime, if that offended somebody....

*nods* I don't know why, it's just.... *shivers* *cannot lick an envelope* *just can't*
*adds another to her list*
Cliff roads with side rails. I have nightmares about being in a car and going through the side rail and flying through the air, and you know you're going to die. It's really scary. I hate them...
1) Finding a dead body in the ocean *shudders*
2) Both of my parents dieing and having to be sent away somewhere
3) China dolls (they WATCH you!)
4) Watching someone die, as in from a wound, and not be able to save them
5) Forests at night

I know there's more, but I'm brain dead at the moment...


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