Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I know. I only mentioned it, because I remember you telling me that. XD
XD Evil I say!
Nah, I'm pretty used to it by now. >.>
Burn Meyer at a stake.
XD I keep listening to One Week by BareNakedLadies over and over again, resisting the urge to dance around my room and make a total fool of myself.

I've been humming 'Stop Crying Your Heart Out' all day for some reason.
*does love the song*
*didn't love all the conversations that arose from humming the song*

I liked the "Big Bang Theory" teaches me so many things.

Edit: NOES! I forgot to get the Bear Necessities on my ipod! D:
Why didn't you like the conversations? It's a good song... *sees nothing wrong with that*

Well, they weren't so much about the song, or about Oasis.

*loves that song, as well*
I figured as much.
It's over 10,000!

Horray for reaching the fifth digit!


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