Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I haven't had the energy to write *lame*

I'm only writing now out of the grace of saying "fuck it" to staying coherent. I'll damn well write random scenes out of order if it pleases me.

I think I've written less than 200 words, total, since Tuesday. Which means I need to write more than 6K to reach today's words count.
I'm about 9000 words behind.

It's catchup weekend if my good mood holds ._.
I did that earlier today.

I'm seriously depressed to know I can't go to several get together because I don't have a laptop. Well I suppose there is always next year.
I'm going to my very first writein tomorrow because one of my friends won't go alone <.>
Despite trying to convince my friends none of them will do it.

One of them is really helpful, though. She wants to read the story and came up with these crazy ideas.
Two of my RL friends are doing NaNo, which is pretty sweet.
Augh. I wish someone I knew IRL was doing it. Even my all knowing English teacher didn't know about it.

I'm going to try to convince some of my more writing friendly friends next year. Sadly that's about two of them. >./body>
Is very sad. My little pen I've been using non-stop for the past three days is almost out of ink. :(
D: That sucks!

>.> I actually need to scout out some new pens, mine is running out of ink. I'm gonna miss writing in fabulous purple ink.
*would kill for a purple pen*
I wonder if Staples has any..
I think that's where I got mine, ages and ages ago. Found it when I cleaned off my desk a few months back.


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