Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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FH, I want to hear a recording of your voice.
I bet you have the cutest accent ever invented. Ever.
Maybe... I'm going out in like 5 minutes, so it wouldn't be 'till later anyway.
*doesn't* *isn't even close*
I gotta get off for the night, my parents are nagging.
*is mad because I was in the middle of chapter 7 of RC*
Goodnight guys.
Just went out to sushi with family, and and and something internet-y happened that nobody IRL understood, but dammit I don't feel like typing right now. >.>
XD My friends know not of my internet life.

Okaaay, long story time, don't feel obligated to keep reading.

So I was sitting at dinner in this quiet little Japanese restaurant. This dude bursts in, and says "Okay! I figure since this is a Sushi place, I'll finally meet somebody in real life who knows what 4chan is."
The restaurant is silent and everybody stares at him like a nutcase. I raise my hand, and he gives me this weird look "What, the little white girl who, *glances at my plate,* apparently can't even eat real sushi is the only one who knows what 4chan is?" Everyone is still quiet. The dude yells very loudly "YOU PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW WHAT 4CHAN IS!" and then goes on to say "I AM /B/!" which makes me start laughing even more, and everyone else is just totally stupefied. The guy gets fed up with the lack of reaction except for the quote-unquote little white girl (like, the whole place is full of Asians, so I guess he was expecting more... manga readers? I dunno.) Then I had to explain to my family, the waitress, and the couple of tables near me, what 4chan and /b/ are and why he thought those were significant to the Japanese place. >.>

*agrees with Tally*

New best friend. Both of you.
That needs to go on, Not Always Right.
XD I love that site.

...Both of us? Want me to track down 4chan dude, do you?
@ FISHFISH: Yes. Find him.

@ Tally/FH: I try to explain my internet endevours to my friends, but their eyes just glaze over and they come back into the conversation long enough to say, "Paige. None of us want you to get raped."

Except they're completely serious. :/
When exactly did I become FISHFISH? XD

You could get raped here, just go on MX chat when certain people are online.....


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