Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

aka show us your music.

Double-posting allowed/encouraged, so post away if you feel we gotta know about this song.

"F. N. T." - Semisonic

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The Great Hunt would make an awfully long audio book. And I think there's only going to be be 14 in the series.
Nope, 15. Brian Sanderson is splitting the last book into three because of all the loose ties there are.

and yeah, there are 15 CDs in the case.

Bella's a dark friend. >.>
So there were 11 books, and the twelfth one is being split into three. Which makes 14.

O.o How many hours is that?

"Bad To The Bone" - ZZ Top

B-b-b-b-b-b-baaaaaaaad... *head bangs* X3
Wait, did they do a cover? Last I was notified that song was by George Thoroughgood...

"1985" - Bowling For Soup.

I have to sing along at least a little bit every time this song comes on.
*shrug* I have no idea.
Set Fire to the Third Bar -Snow Patrol Ft. Martha Wainwright.
"Viva La Vida"- Coldplay. This is lke the billionth time I've listened to it in the last two days. >>
"The Preyingmantis" - Porcelain and The Tramps
Humanoid - Tokio Hotel
I love Tokio Hotel!!!
I just got their new CD today. I need to go listen to it.


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