Permalink Reply by Fate on December 8, 2009 at 11:16am
Drawing. Haven't done this in a while. Apparently the drawing creeps my friend out...
I also bought a spell-book, because a guy I only sort of know from my History class asked me to get it for him. ...*was reading it* >>
And... that's it I think. I just need to mail/ re-mail some Christmas stuff. Stupid post office, not sending the letter, because it was one stupid stamp short.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 8, 2009 at 11:24am
At first I couldn't find it, and I was like "How do you tell the crap from the non-crap?" *found lots of crap* *eventually found it* It's titled, "Nocturnal Witchcraft."
Whatever it is you're mailing me, if you're still doing/planning on doing that, what date did you expect to do that again? I just need a timeline for stalking the mailman, that's all.
Alrighty..... *will have a hard time stalking the mailman, with school* Ah well. My friend is... on vacation... in Arizona... Yeah. That.
XD Stamps are confusing. I usually put more than I need to, just to shrink the chance of them bitching about it.