Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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^.^ *wants to see what you drew*
It's a growing flower plant thingy with eyeballs, instead of flowers. I'll scan up the rough draft. Right now I'm about to start the colorful one.
*squees* Ahh! That's so cool!
I totally stole the idea from a friend.
XD Right. No, actually, it was the one who wanted the spell book. He drew it for his girlfriend... only better.

That is AWESOME.

By the way, you're an good artist. :D

I just draw cats and dogs over and over again...
Actually, I suck at drawing. Or at least drawing people. And animals. And roses...
I can't draw roses for my life. I'm not that great at animals or people either. It's just practicing pretty much...
Uh... -Fails at people-

I can do nature pretty well though as long as I have a picture of it in front of me/general idea of it's appearance.
*spazzes* Hehe! I lurve it! It's so funky fresh. ^.^
Hehe. Ah well. I'm still excited to see it. ^.^


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