Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Some of my stuff is still there, wtf. Which I don't get, really... and I almost wish the mods would just delete everything I said.

It was before my very first ban, and almost a year ago, so it's very very gone. But here's the gist of what I remember...

me: *something involving Jeb*

Killarney: *something lulzworthy involving ter Borcht and scientific crazy shit, maybe something creepy about pregnancy, idk*

me: oh lul let me go write a drabble

And everyone thought it was hilarious, and then the motherfucker never let go of me
Ah, well I'm glad it didn't.
I had an absolutely epic argument with EndOf about, uh... I think it was the worth of writing, maybe, back in March or February.

Let me say it flat-out: my first impression of him was "what a douche" XD
@Fate because I'm slow and just saw that: Well, thanks :D

@Tally: vOv By August I was essentially gone anyway, soooo... yeah.
Well, there'll be more fun, I'm sure. Funny thing about fandom; it never stops.

*gets all reminiscent* I've been around for ages and ages, and I still feel like a newbie. Don't worry.
I was already... what, not quite twelve? when MR came out. And I'd already ficced for WTWB/TLH, so I was prepared to learn what MR fandom had to show me.

Have fun anyway. There're still good parts, probably.
Goddamn you're young D:

Yeah, I think I knew about that... and forgive me if I pass on the link. I make a practice of not touching MX anymore (albeit I made an exception for Omega's thread last night).
Wait, if you read the series when you were eight, and the series came out in '05, and your birthday's in March, that means the oldest you'd be is 12. Or perhaps I fail at math today. . . .
*bored* *waiting for updates to finish*
*checks math*

04 01 2005
03 01 1996
01 00 09

Yeah. . . .it doesn't add up.
I love it! Of course I always do...
That was actually really, really good.

Had plot, a tad bit of fluff, and strategy. I liked the POV changes, and how we got to see into other's minds/thoughts. Very good chapter.
I was hoping you would like it. The POV changes were my favorite part.


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