Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I figured that some of you would probably be on tonight to escape your families. Ah well, we're all practically family here. Figured this would make a great place to talk about the past year, life in general, what makes you happy this time of year, and so on.

*passes out hot cocoa*

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Personally, this has been an amazing year for me, considering that I didn't even know how deep the online world really was until I ran into most of you folks on MDW last April. Since then, it's been one heck of a ride and an excellent and educational experience all over.

Thanks to all you people for a great year so far!
Reading your replies is educational :)
This internet-year has been fun. It has made me neglect my iPod, but luckily my brother didn't. Real life was just as fun; my friends are getting their drivers' licenses, throwing Sweet 16 bashes, etc. So there has been much partying.
*makes tea*

This year has both been amazing, and horrid.

My internet life really picked up about this time last year, as did my RL. 'Twas a good year at the start, I can say that, at least, and. . . I suppose it's best to leave it at that, to keep with the mood. which slowly started snowballing out of hand to a mass of depression by the middle of the year, with all aspects of life, nearly. v.v Learning to deal with that has been . . . . . good though.

Ironically, it seems like now, all the things that make me the most happy can always be with me. . . if I have internet. Whether this is to be considered sad or utterly amazing, I know not. I adore you guys beyond compare. All my internet friends, in all the fandoms I've popped in and out of in the previous year. You all are beyond amazing.

Obviously, you guys make me happy, as does tea and books.
Other than that, this time of year, I really adore classical music. And baking. And snow. And just being able to take a step back and play like I'm 3 again. Traveling is nice, but I miss home. (seriously, it's hot AND Christmas? I'm all messed up). I, too, start noticing the nature around me, at this time, and it's beauty. Everything's amazing it seems, if only for a moment, while you forget about everything else. Heck, I even started singing again, which. . .dang, it might've been years since I've really done that. Also, it's basketball season ^^ I love my team(s), and it's time for watching all of my favourite sports and all on TV. *rants* Really, this season, and Winter in general, makes me a more pleasant person, too, prolly the only time you could find me when I'm actually happy, or something of the like.

*feels like I've ranted too much*

I love my family here. And, while RL can be horrid, you all keep me sane.
*looks around*
*quickly hugs you all*

You all seem to be the people I want to celebrate the holidays with most, now. . . . .

I must be off, but I'll be back on later tonight. Happy Christmas, everyone.
O.O You're voluntarily giving out hugs? *takes advantage of this* *hugs*

When I saw the long-ish post, I figured I'd actually get to learn something new about you, and then I figured out I already knew everything. >.> Ah, well.

We love you. You know that. Even if you've seemed to adopt the habit of getting offline less than twenty minutes before I get on, continuously, but I love you anyway.

And I hope your RL gets better. But in case it doesn't for awhile.... you always have us? And you always will have us. Because you're not allowed to leave. Seriously, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you weren't here. And yes, even though I could've just read all the replies and respectfully acknowleged them all without actually replying, I felt I needed to reply to this one. Maybe because you're just Lamp and I'm just Fishy and I make a point of replying to pretty much all of your posts. *shrugs*

But anyway. Merry, happy, whatever, Christmas to you. *hugs again and runs for her life*
Long day, and it was Christmas.
*allows hugs on Christmas, due to . . well, it's a long story*

We have the worst timing, lately.

XD I love you too.

Perhaps because we're bestest friends? *luffles*
Long day? I'm sorry. And allowing hugs on Christmas is.... good, but bad if you dislike hugs, because it seems like every person you've ever met wants to hug you on Christmas.

XD *luffles* We are bestest friends. Fate and Xuut confirmed this. XD
Last few days, yeah. . . .

No kidding. RL, and online, it's. . . .odd, but. . . . I dunno, some people can get me in a good enough mood for it during the holidays, so. . . .-shrugs-

My friends just like hugs, it seems.

*saw* XD
I'd consider being polite, but I've breached the 'polite' border too many times to matter anymore, so *pries* how so?

*likes hugs* Oh, you didn't know that?
Hey, fire, awesome :D

It's mostly sheer stubbornness keeping me awake. Most of my family is in bed.

Eh... past year... it's been good and it's been bad. Good: fic teaching me how to write plot that's semi-coherent and refine my pacing; MX; senior year started. Bad: depression; MX; senior year.
*takes cocoa*

My year. Eh, pretty suckish. Lost a family member, moved, depression, got a stalker.

Highlight of my year? Joining this little family, because that’s what I consider it. It’s like my home. Not even my home away from home because home doesn’t feel like home to me.

Things have improved for me since coming here. It’s amazing how much y’all have helped me and I feel like I’ll never truly be able to return the favor.

As for life in general, it’s doing a’ight. Not great, but it could be worse. It has been worse.

Christmas music. I love most Christmas music. Not the super-religious ones, but the silly ones. The fun ones. Y’know? Cookies. Sugar cookies. Oh, gawd, butterscotch oatmeal is my favorite kind at the holidays. Some of my family too. Not all of it, just the parts I don’t see enough. Like my Aunt Jo and Uncle Casey. Or my cousin Vance who was here today. Er, actually yesterday as of midnight. And the look on my sisters face when she gets something she wanted. I may want to kill her at times, but I just want her to be happy.

I love you all. You are the first to hear about most things occurring in my life. I consider you closer than some of my RL friends. You’re awesome and fabulous and wonderful. *hugs everyone*
It is almost one am, I cannot feel my feet, I have makeup smeared all over my face, and I can't think straight. (Because, did you know that Rum Cake actually, like, has Rum in it? Yeah... I didn't know that.... that liquid dripping off the cake stuff? That's alcohol, sweetie. Oops.)

Okay. Rant time. But a calm, silly, slightly tipsy rant at that.

This year has been.... interesting. It started out bad... er, maybe that was just the holidays of last year. But anyway, it was very... bad. But for awhile after all that got settled, life was good. Joining MX, and at that the TH group, was possibly the best decision I've made all year. I wouldn't change that for anything. All of you MXers, keep me sane, keep me happy, keep me alive. I love you guys. Later on, April, went on one of the best school trips of my life, with my closest RL friends. Then graduation (8th grade, but... it's a big deal in that school.) That was rough. Saying goodbye to what I considered my family, and my RL has never been the same. Once again, it's thanks to you guys that I'm semi-functioning. And... home isn't that great, but eh, we have internet. Internet is pretty much my gateway into sanity.

I love, appreciate and even admire you all, more than I can say. I... I'm not just being mushy for the sake of being mushy here. I really do love you all that much, and you're all wonderful people. All of you.

*ahem* /endrant

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah (do we have any Jews here?), Happy Kwanzaa (do we have any.... Kwanzaa-celebrators here?) to you all.


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