Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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No, I suppose that's understandable.

XD My friends are all 'Psh, it's Lamp. Nothing'll ever happen.' which is very nice. Makes my life easier, anyways.
3 months? o.O
That's way soon.

I was with my ex for like four months. He was freaking terrified of me, so I never had issues with that. >.>
I mean, one time he came and picked me up from my house, and instead of my parents doing the whole "does he treat you well? Has he ever hurt you?" thing when I got back, it went more like "what did you do to the poor kid, he acts like an abused puppy!"


My friends, well, the one really likes jewelry. I think her bf gave her a ring one month after they became bf/gf. It worked perfectly for them, right gift at the right time.
@Luna - Aw, hon. v.v I'm sorry. *hugs*
Do whatever you want with the ring, personally I'd just leave it in a drawer and forget about it.

@Lamp - What Luna said, I'm curious...
I've been hiding it in my room since I got it. >.<'' *feels a little guilty*
Deal with it. xD

Or rather. . . . I'll tell you later. Much later.

I think you should tell me now though.... I mean, what's the harm in it?
We're just your typical internet stalker folk. Nothing wrong with that. ^.^
Nah, I stalk Lamp just a little more than "typical." XD
@Luna - Don't feel guilty. At all. Really. No one did anything wrong. Just don't feel bad about it.

@Fishy - Well, then I more have to think about it/comes to terms with reality that something will probably happen. . . . and I don't like that too much.
@ Lamp- oo! oo! tell me too! *curious and nosy*
@Lamp: You need less nosy friends... You can probably guess what the rest of this would say... *curious*


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