Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I feel nauseous, lightheaded, and generally terrible... but I have a test so I couldn't just stay home.

If I throw up my dad will let me come home, though vOv
Lurking on multiple places.
Hey, Laura.
I had over 4000 on TTS before, I probably had more, but some kept "disappearing".
Be like what?
Ahh, seems obvious now.
Watching District 9.
Looking at my tea drawers all 'O.O' like.
Trying to get out of social events.
I hate my god damned school. And my mom.

She makes me go to school when we do absolutely nothing, literally. People were playing Halo online because they were so bored. And then she doesn't even have the decency to pick me up after school when clearly walking isn't going to be easy.

Thanks mom.
*offers tea*
-Takes tea-


We should have snow days more often, we had seven last year... by this time last year we had already had four.

Edit: It's an American holiday today isn't it? Tis why you're all here... >.>

I'm here because of semester break. . . .

But it's so early... ours isn't till March...


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