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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Good to know, thanks.

You'll still have your phone through all this, yes?

Is it likely she'll get custody? I mean, from what I've heard, I kinda prefer Dee to her. . .

*hugs* Good luck, hon.
I'll try. >.> I have a hardcopy of my entire address book, because I knew that there was a strong possibility that I'd need it. If she gets any custody... Um, I'll probably lose my phone. And computer. And I'll have no, or at least monitored and restricted, access.

Not likely, really, but it all depends. She's guaranteed at least visitation at this point, it's possible that she could get even more.

And Dee... there are pros and cons to both. Addiction and... well, neglect, bordering on abuse, makes my mom's cons more pronounced.

*hugs back* Thanks. *will be fine* Worst case scenario, I'll still have some way to contact everyone. Even if that means buying a new phone, secretly... Hell, I could get a netbook....
Visitation is. . . doable.

O.O No phone, or contact at all?
You can't do that to me, mate. . . . .

XD Nice. Don't die, or anything on us, though. . .. alright?
*nods* I like to amuse myself with that. But at the same time it's... eh, it's weird. I mean, I did live with her for twelve or thirteen years. Hell, I lived with her, briefly, when you knew me.... *met you around the same time as I was with CPS*

>.> I think I'll be having a harder time with that than you. *can't not talk to people* Especially... I like to talk and be around people more when I'm... in that kind of situation.
I'll find some way to contact you, it just might be by phone, and... don't ignore texts or anything from a random 916 area code.

*won't, hopefully*

You were on. . . enough, I suppose then. I just assumed you were with your dad, then.


Got it.

If you need me, or just really want to talk. . . .call my home phone. I'll work it out. I'm always here for you.
You know how... well, I didn't really know you, so you probably didn't notice. But though January, I'd disappear for a week or so at a time. Split custody, I could only get on any computer, at all, every other week.

*nods* Thanks. There are other ways too though. I mean, you never answer your phone, but Miles does. I could tell him to go online and talk to you... it'd work out.
But thank you. *would say that you could do the same, but... actually answers my cell phone* *doesn't even know that the home phone works anymore*
XD I . . . .well, I haven't used it in a while. . . it's kinda. . . lost.

Oh, I noticed that, but I thought you had a life then. . . .

That'd be confusing. . . . just call my home phone from your cell. Really. It'd be fine. XD Niiiice.
I did have a life. I'd still get on, at least for like a half an hour a day. Or so. But... days at a time. Can you believe that, just year ago, I was completely accustomed to living with no computer, internet, phone, anything, every other week, for the entire week?

XD Alright. I don't even know that I know your home phone...

Well, we never use it... we all have cell phones, and we all use them...
XD No.

You can find it. . . .
Want me to give it to you?

Bleh, I loathe cell phones. If I die by any technology, the cell phone is what will be the death of me. . .
I probably won't need it... you can if you want, but I don't think I'll need it. With a little luck.... I'll still be exactly where I am now. With a little more luck, we'll be rid of Dee. But that's wishful thinking.

Why? They're not that bad... You can turn it off when you don't want to talk to people....
Is that more likely?

Yes, they /are/ that bad. They're horrid. >.<'
I think, or rather, it was at one point, but I've more or less been out of the loop this time. I haven't been able to leave my grandparent's house on account of a schizo dude with a gun down the street. So... I haven't been home, on a very critical day. >.<'

Nahh. They're nice! And less likely for me to have taken away, which is just, good. And why you need one, so you can talk to me just in case I fall off the face of the internet.


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