Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*pokes at teh Lampy*

You do not sound like you. At all. Did somebody hack your account? This is not my Lampo. No. No, it is not. Are you alright?
Your Lampo? You own meh, now?

No. . . I don't really think I am.
Yes, mine. But no, not you, because you are an Imposter Lampo. The Real Lamp, is my Lampo.

Yeah... you don't seem it.

Yeah. . . I know. . . .I've been this way pretty much all day too. X_X

I mean, last game of the season, third quarter. . . .I'm on the bench because. . . I kinda ended up on the floor, scared my coach, stopped breathing, etc., anyway, where was my mind? Not on the game, or the girl I was so ready to foul. after two minutes of sitting out, my mind was on one of the spectators. >.> *mutters* There is no excuse/explanation for that. None.
*jumps in conversation*
Stopped breathing?
Yeah. . .. it happens. Rather a lot recently. I've been getting slowly better with it, though.
Allergies or something? Asthma?
Mutated virus. No one knows, really. >.>
o.o.... Jeesh.
*answers for her*

Yes, she's been doing this for weeks, and she's being stubborn about it and almost killing herself. >.>

Edit - Beat me by like 15 seconds. My point still stands, you're being too stubborn.

No. . . .well. . .. I think I would've been better a good while ago had I not been on that steroid. >.<' Or that one other medicine.
Steroids usually help, though.....


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