They know you from other places, though. '>.< . I came here because Tally's told me about it and I was curious about it and I wanted to meet them. Now Tally's banned and I can only call her 'Tally' here and at the other place.
1. The length of time you've been in the fandom doesn't matter at all. So what, we haven't known you quite as long? The thing is, you're here now and you've become part of this group. People here love you and care about you, and they don't sit back and go 'I better cut down on the affection I show her, she's only been here four months...'
2. People thinking you might be the snitch is hardly a reason to leave, especially since you were the one who suggested it. Everyone suspected everyone, and I'm sure if I said, 'Hm, I could be the snitch, the mods have never bothered to so much as warn me despite being an anti and associated with them since before their arrival' someone would go, 'Yeah, actually I've wondered about that...' although I really hope you don't think that...and I haven't been here for most of it... because, like I said before, everyone suspected everyone.
Bye Tally, I'm sure we'll be seeing you in the not-too distant future, good luck, and I hope you don't dwell on this too much longer.
To your second point - I suspected Tally. And you. And Nathan, and Lamp, and Xuut, and myself. Yes, myself. I sat there thinking "What if I was the snitch..." somehow convinced myself that I actually was the snitch, and then made myself feel horrible for getting everyone banned and Lamp in so much trouble.
The mods just take our sanity. Really. We suspect/suspected everyone at some point.
I kind of suspected everyone for a time. I think you're the only person I dismissed quickly, for obvious reasons, and how pointless it would've been to waste time being suspicious of you.
XD I was so out of it, but it seemed so realistic in my head...