Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My younger sister has FB. I just ignore her mostly. And make sure she doesn't find out about the online FB. Or any of you associated people.
XD My younger brother's on FB. I friended him and listed him as family. He's cool though. >.>
Just saw the Lightning thief movie. Meh, I wanted to see Wolfman, but my mom wouldn't get me a ticket and I doubt I could pass as eighteen...

...It wasn't really that horrible. Sure, it had 10^29830984109752809875210943 errors in regards to the book, but it was still allright.

What interests me is the fact that it didn't mention the prophecy thing once.


Seriously, what the Hell? You'd have thought that was an important plot point.

But the actors all look above 16 anyways, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
As in, the Oracle wasn't even there?

That might cause some problems if they don't introduce it eventually...

But I doubt they're making a sequel.
I just saw it too. The acting was terrible.

I haven't read the books, but my sister, who has, was ranting through the entire thing.
I thought it was good, I haven't read the books though. I'm trying to get them for my birthday.
I officially feel like crap.

Never going to eat there again. :x
Not because I got food poisoning (I certainly hope I didn't O.o), but because it's loud, crowded, bright, and there are only two things on the regular menu that I'm actually allowing myself to eat, and I like neither of them. Halfway through our time there, I wanted to curl up and wait until we left. I managed to eat about 1/5 of my dinner, and drink two lemonades, but then I got nauseous and stopped. Then I went to the car and listened to my iPod and played with my chess app until my family finished.

Bad experience, to say the least.
-Offers tea-

-Had lots of fun tonight while out-

Granted I was with friends and not with my family which usually sucks.
Not to mention that my dad got us pulled over for about twenty minutes. >.<'


'Tis the last day of Summer and it's /cold/, Goddammit. Can't we have a final day of warmth?
Facebook stalking Mraz. >.>

Why would you ever waste a day worrying about anything? - or think you should have done this or could have done that? Wake up to the WTF of it all and enjoy the ride.


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