Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was just wondering - how many of you are in College? And if not, where are all of you going? I myself am staying here and going to UNM (University of New Mexico) in January, since I'm graduating from High School early. (I don't see any point in going out of state for your undergraduate degree. It's cheaper to stay in state, and you'll get roughly the same education with little to no debt at the end. Plus, New Mexico has the Lottery Scholarship, and with that, College is looking pretty freaking affordable right now.)

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University of Sydney
University of Queensland
University of Auckland

Basically, where ever my family has a house.
Hopefully going in September, to study Jewellery and Silversmithing.
I got in :D

I applied for the up coming fall semester at both John Abbott and Champlain St. Lambert, both on Montreal's south shore. Also Dawson, which is downtown. Courses for each school.

J.A: Applied Physic Technology.
Champlain: Computer Sciences
Dawson: Mechanical Engineering

I freely give away any other personal info if anyone wants to 'study' together.
Third year for the fucking win.

No really. I have 8 am classes three times a week, and my Wednesdays are, lets face it, pretty shit.
Not yet, but... final year of school, so it's in the not too distant future.

Preferably Monash. Then Deakin and Latrobe also offer the subjects I want.

Or, Melbourne has prestige, is easier to get into, but will require some (a lot) compromise on courses and stuff since it decided to adopt the American Model.
The American Model?
It's apparently based on whatever your College system is. In that you have to do a general degree first before you can go on to get a degree in law or medicine. Or something. *doesn't really understand it* *knows it doesn't work with double degrees*
Aww, Not joining me at NAU? *is actually considering other schools though*
I plan to go.
I have two years, but...

1. University of Chicago, if I can score some kind of international funding

If I end up staying in the UK:

2. LSE (London School of Economics)
3. Cambridge University
4. Oxford University
5. If I can't get into any of the above, I'll go to Durham or York. But I won't be happy about it. >:/
*dredges up old thread*

Applications for University open tomorrow here... And I'm less sure about where I want to go and things now than I have been at any other point in time.

I'm currently tossing between Monash, Melbourne and Deakin. With ACU there if I fail miserably.


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