Not if my mom is there, which she pretty much needs to be because apparently even though I'm capable of staying up as late as I like, my hairstyle MUST be approved by her. >.>
Mine has to be approved too. Not to short and not to long, yadda yadda yadda. "No! You're bangs would be to long!" "But if we cut it there, you'd look like a boy." "I don't want you looking like a hippie, cut it shorter."
I'm goodish. I'm sick home from school today. :/ No pink eye as I thought, just a bad cold.
Mine has grown over long and now it looks ugly. :| Now I want a hair cut that isn't to my friggin' ears. Preferably a layered one. And side bangs because I look like a moron with straight bowl cut bangs.
Ah, at least no pink eye. -Shudders at her nasty eye when she had them-