Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Aww, I have to go for a while. I'll be back 20-30 minutes later. See you later and/or goodnight if you're going to sleep.
Nomming jelly beans.

I really ought to eat something of nutritional value. I fear my calorie intake is dreadfully low. >.>
It occurs to me that the last time I ate was breakfast yesterday.


I should probably eat something, but right now I just don't give a damn.
Aww, life not being life?
Not exactly.

I just don't feel like eating.
After a day? Almost two now, actually. Well, I don't need to say what I think you should do.
Being online.

Feeling like a bad friend. Sorry, everyone. I feel like after Lent, I just. . .don't go to Ning sites anymore. Most of my attachment is lost, it's no longer 'Oh, I have to get online', it's 'Oh, I miss 'so-and-so' right now', and like I'm just not being there for anyone (or so my inbox implies) and we don't talk enough. (We being near everyone on this site.)

So. . what's up? How's life? Anything new?
So Lent did help you. :)
. . . .if you'd consider this 'helping', then, yes. This last week I've gotten even less done, though, and I've just. . . been offline. During Lent I was still online just as much.
Hi! *likes seeing you here* *doesn't really have anything to say though*



I see you're posting more here, again!
I am? *didn't notice*

You should post more, though.


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