Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Agreed. Silly Tally.
My sister is playing Pokemon Diamond.

Only I don't know what she did to it but she's a Pikachu catching Pokemon. Also the starter Pokemon are Mew who evolves into Mewtwo, Casform who evolves into Lugia and Manaphy who evolves into something I forget.

But yeah.
I want it pretty badly too.

-Hates not owning a DS.
XD S'alright. I'll check what she did to it. I'll demand it...

Mhmm all of them except for the DS and any variation thereof.
O.o She got a hacked version... Go to watch in awe here:

I know but I'm a cheap ass so I only get the ROMS.
That's kinda weird... o.O
Today, I was forced to sit through a two hour make-over. After which my grandmother bought make up,spending more money on that make-up than is in my bank-account, if I'm correct. And when am I ever going to where this? Probably never. ><"
Hey, what's you skin-tone? Feel free to send it to me...
Super-super-super pale. Like at times I look like the walking dead...
Hey, me too!
Ouch. That sucks.
*offers tea*

Hai! I've missed you. How've you been otherwise?


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