Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm leaving if the MeganXMiles comments happen. Which they will. So. . . Yeah. . .

And hello, I'm Miles. Obviously. :)
. . . they're not going to stop just because you turned up, dear.
Although they probably won't increase all that much either, if that helps any....
They prolly won't.
Long story.

Basically they're just adorable and fell in love together, though they'll both deny that. XD
They're like a RL version of Orphues and Eurydice. *serious* Only they'll get a happier ending. *nods*
Lampology would be the study of Lamp. XD

They know I think that. XD They're still in denial of this, though. v.v
XD Lampoligy.

They know. With a love like theirs how could they not?
XD This is the Lamp Theory of Megan/Miles-ology. :D
. . . . you're not helping, love.

Miles, just a tiny warning. . . Laura is the only one with an account here who doesn't ship this. . . and she never comes online. We're pretty civil, though. Even when Pyro was here and posted there were very few shipping comments. Honestly.
No worries. xD I just don't want him leaving this site again.


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