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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We just get a report at the end of semester, and parent teacher interviews half way through, and well... apart from that you don't really get given anything. I s'pose if you wanted to you go through all your work and and average it out yourself, but...
That would suck. I have to be able to see how badly I do so I can attempt to improve before it becomes final. >.>
It's nice for me 'cause I have a shite memory, so I can see what classes I need to do loads of makeup work in (example: Spanish, because I was gone the day I'd have gotten a lot of work done, and Child Development because I missed one project) or just need to kick ass in soon (English, so I can graduate).
Ditto. One at the end of each semester and the Parent-Teacher conference that my parents oh so kindly didn't go to.

Even if we ask we usually don't get a good idea asides from pass or fail. Which failing here is less than 50% so...
I think your not officially failing VCE until you're below 35% .... Most teachers will just tell you that they think you're going okay.

Of course this year, we don't even get marks and stuff on assignments and tests. Just... VH, H, etc. Which doesn't actually translate to a letter grade or anything, just vaguely indicates whether or not you're doing pretty good, alright, or need to really lift your game...
We get percents on our things. But each test/assignment/etc has a certain value towards your report card. You don't know what though. So it's a nuisance especially in French and Gym where it also counts on your participation, and behavior in class. Other classes like Health and Family Studies also take a small fraction of your grade from attendance too so you never really get a clear idea unless you're scoring good grades in everything.
I wish I could murder my brothers prego ex. v.v
Prego as in pregnant with your brother's child...?

Yeah. She's a freaking nut.
Ouch. That really sucks....
-Offers tea-


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