Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I was in gifted classes from fifth grade through eighth grade, and then my work ethic took a hit because lol high school _o_
I'm doing homework. I feel like such a good student.

Also, I'll be up all night. Who's staying up with me? Anyone?
-Would volunteer-

But I have a quiz tomorrow and a shit load of English homework. But I wake up awfully early... Plus Flying is usually on when no one else is.
*nods* I'm just... going to be up really late doing extra credit work.

Because my geometry teacher didn't put a limit on how much extra credit we can do. He underestimates how badly I want this A. *figured out that I can do approximately 300 points of work, at 5pts per assignment, between 5pm and 4th period tomorrow* It's just, like, basically an OCD person's version of an art project, really...
Well you're about three hours behind me, I'll be up at around 5:45 tomorrow morning... But won't be online till about seven. Which is about 4 AM for you.

XDDD I couldn't do that. If the line isn't straight screw it. -Lazy-
I will be!

School doesn't start till 9:45 for me tomorrow, too. :D
*jealous* *wants a late start*
If you went to my school, you STILL wouldn't get a late start. XDD
State-mandated sophomore testing. All the sophomores still have to show up normal time.

...or was that not directed at us?
Should I know who Bob and April are?
I am so beyond lost right now... *curls up in corner and hides from stress-y people*


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