Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Darn! I missed that?! I must have been gone for ages...
And, despite the fact I know you'll hate me for saying this, AWWWWWW!!
@Megan - Yes.

@Luna - Yeah. xD I'd highly suggest looking through Xuut's discussions to find it.

Eh, it's been the general reaction. 'Tis fine.
My RL friends are horrid with 'aww-ing' and making me feel all awkward, though. >.<" Two of my friends have made that their hobby during English. >.>
If it makes you feel any better I "aww" at every couple.. 'cept for those really creepy fling ones.
Luna - Just to save you trouble, I'll find it for you. You /want/ to see it.

Why? Don't you just want to fall in love with him....? I mean, he's your boyfriend now. It's okay for you to be in love with him....
*doesn't want to fall in love* *would like to avoid that* *doesn't even like the idea that I fancy anyone. . . even if it is kinda lovely, too*
You're already in love. You just looove him, so much...
*saved that picture forever*
@Megan - *rolls eyes*

@Luna - Beyond epic, no?

Miles even admitted that the pairing would be beyond epic, after seeing that. :DDDD
No he didn't. You showed me that conversation, and he didn't say anything like that.
@Luna - Seriously, he admitted to it. Don't listen to Megan, she's wrong.
Is scared out of my meee.


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