Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I can't believe we don't have this thread, I went through all the threads looking for it.  Brought back such memories, too.  :D  Tell me if I, however, missed it.


So, pretty self explainatory.  What are you currently reading?  'Tis appreciated if you'd also say whether or not you'd recommend/not recommend the book, too, so everyone can expand their reading list.  :D 


I'm curretly reading:

 - Symphony of Ages Seires -- Elizabeth Haydon.  They're great.  I'm adoring them.

 - The Messenger -- Markus Zusak.  'Tis lovely.  Very down-to-Earth, great writing style, fast moving without too much action. 

 - The Gates -- John Connolly.  Only a few pages into it.  'Tis beyond amazing, though.  I love this author.


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*cough* Romeo and Juliet is a /lovely/ story.

Granted, I am one of the people who like it and still agree that it is horribly overrated. Doesn't mean it's not good, just... hardly the best love story of all time.
*very, very late* I'm in a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the moment. *random*
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.
1984 and I just finished Anansi Boys.

Ok, sorry about that... Right now I'm reading;
1. Sticks And Stones (unpublished. My friend asked me to critique the book she wrote.) Oh, and I'd definitely read this book if I were you. But I'm guessing you won't be able to for at least a few years....
2. Elven Magik (same here. This one's not finished, but I'm helping her with the plot.) Same.
3. Faking It - Elisa Lorello (um, is it weird that I stole this book off my DAD'S Kindle that's about male prostitutes, or 'call guys', and murder? O.o the answer is yes. Weird on sooo many levels. But, I'm starved for books because I'm poor and our library sucks.) And I'm only on chapter three... So I have no idea whether I would recommend it or not.
Skulduggery Pleasant and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Oh, and Fact of Life #31. Per recommendation of my friend. I do not like this type of book. >.<'
Just finished Unwind. Don't know who the author is and am too lazy to look it up.
Was really good. Also very creepy. At this one part I started freaking out. (Of coarse it probably was because it was at midnight and I was horribly sleep deprived from staying up even later for the past week or so and waking up at seven) This guy gets taken apart while he's still alive. Loved every second of it.
Oh God, I loved that book. Try the Everlost series- it's really good too. I think it's by the same author. And in that same/similar genre, look for Truesight. I haven't read the entire series, but the first was very good.

Right now I'm reading "The Waiting Child". It's a nonfiction about a Chinese adoptee. So sad, it's making me cry. Very well written, I highly suggest it.
I didn't like the first Everlost that much. But for some reason I thought the ending was really good. I haven't read the other ones yet, though I've been meaning to.

I'm not a fan of depressing books thought, because they bore me to death. Except for A Dog's Life, which is semi-deppresing.
Just finished reading "Playing the Enemy," by John Carlin.

It's that base for the movie Invictus and was incredibly good. Still want to see the film though.

For those who haven't seen or heard of it, the story revolves around the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa, and Nelson Mandela's use of the sport to demolish apartheid.
The Kobayashi Maru.

Yes, I read trashy Star Trek fic, stfu. The best fic is the kind that's published.

You just made my day.


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