Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I feel like everyone here (myself included) is really negative the vast majority of the time. Look at the "What are you doing right now?" thread and you'll see it too.

No negativity here. From anyone. Post anything that happened today, anything in your life in general, a link, a game, whatever... something that makes you happy. No being sad or angry. Go do that in some other thread, you can only be happy here.

*skips around with everyone*

Hey, look, a rainbow!

Edit - Oh, and, double/multiple/spam-y posts highly encouraged. I mean, this is gonna die anyways, but if you have something new to say, by all means, spam as much as you like.

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Hmmm.... Sounds... complicated?

Aw, that stinks.
*shrugs* It's not that bad. I mean, it's painful, but chronic pain teaches you to ignore it, so... *doesn't notice it unless I'm running or playing something like volleyball or basketball*

Yeah. But, Imma get a new doctor to clear me, and if my parents still won't let me play I'm going to consider taking up tennis (the only other sport I'm decent at) just to make my point. xD
Ohh, you should meet my mother XD Her history of bad knees started with a car accident when she was sixteen. She spent like forever in the hospital and she's had like nine surgeries.
Ouch. x.x

My parents have only had 3-4 surgeries each, luckily. I'm... hopefully only going to need one unless I screw something else up. xD
I used to be threatened with surgery 'cause my scoliosis kept getting worse >.> If it had gone through I'd have a metal rod or three in my back.
I feel like dancing. :D

And this song is stuck in my head.
XD Thinking of your love?
With a title like that, I'm surprised no one's posted the Life of Brian song yet.
Bad side: New music software is 300 dollars. Hell no, even if I had the money.

Bright side: Made this before hating the software:
Music. <3333


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